Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mini Vacation...

Next week, Cathy and I have two extra days off of work. We took off Friday to go to Firekeepers with some friends, and I figured if we were going to take Friday off we might as well also take Tuesday off and have a nice four day long weekend.

I'm not sure if we'll really do anything else. Right now, even though it's early, the weather is looking like it's not going to be that spectacular. But a break from work is always nice.

If we do end up getting the weather to cooperate, I might try to go up to Lansing to the little water park that's there one day. Maybe we'll go to Greenfield Village. Maybe we'll take a day trip over to Grand Rapids. Maybe we'll go to Ann Arbor and go to the big mall that's there.

I'm not sure what we're going to do, but I'm looking forward to the extra time off!!!

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