Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Work Schedule...

So the schedule at work has been pretty brutal on our shift lately. We've been at the minimum staffing level everyday for probably about two weeks now.

What happened was that training class really put us between a rock and a hard place. We had to get the class done, but we rushed it together and got it set up on either side of the 4th of July Holiday. Well, I don't know if it's like this everywhere in the country, but 4th of July in Michigan is a huge holiday for people to take time off on. So basically, we were at minimum numbers all week BEFORE the 4th weekend because of the training class, then we were BELOW minimum numbers all weekend of the 4th, and now this week we're at minimums again because of the second week of classes.

It's been pretty annoying going in to work everyday and having there only be about three people for the start of our shift, then looking at the roster and realizing that there will only be about five more coming in.

Oh well, hopefully it'll all be back on track soon.

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