Thursday, February 19, 2009


So I know that I missed the episode recap from last week...I was pretty tired that night, and also there wasn't really that much to report on because it really was a bridging episode. One thing that I should mention from that episode is that Sawyer found Jin. This is, of course, after Jin watched Rousseau's team find some things. Jin watched Rousseau's team find the smoke monster, and then subsequently watched Rousseau apparently murder her whole team while claiming that the monster had changed them. We then jump forward to where Sawyer finds Jin. At about this same time, Charlotte is appearing to be on her way to death. She tells Daniel Faraday that she grew up on the island, and that when she left a man told her that if she ever came back she would die...she then claims that she believes the man who told her that was in fact Daniel himself. This catches Daniel very off guard...meanwhile, Locke has made his way to the Orchid Station and has turned the wheel, thus booting himself off of the island so that he can try to get the Oceanic Six to come back to the island.

Meanwhile on the mainland, Ben has gotten the entire Oceanic Six together, except for Hurley. They have gone to visit a woman who happens to be Daniel's mother and she seems to know how to get them back to the island. Unfortunately, only Ben, Jack, and Sun appear to want to go to the island...Kate, Desmond, and Sayid don't want to...and Hurley is locked up it would seem.

This gets us to this weeks episode...after writing that quick synopsis of the last episode "This Place is Death," it makes me realize that I should have put my thoughts of it up after it happened. Oh well, I'll try to keep up with the show a bit better in the upcoming weeks.

We start off with Jack, Kate, and Hurley arriving on the island. In a perfect throwback to the pilot of the series, Jack wakes up in the jungle in the exact same way that he did when this epic show first began. He hears yelling, just like in that pilot, and runs to a waterfall. He sees someone flailing in the water and dives in to help...that person is Hurley. Jack gets Hurley situated and then notices that Kate is laying on the side of the water...and this is the point when you really realize that they are BACK on the island...because Jack says "Kate" and in the original opener Jack didn't know Kate...we then get a screen flash of "46 Hours Earlier" and we are back on the mainland.

Ms. Hawking (Daniel Faraday's mom) is talking to Jack, Desmond, Sun, and Ben. She then takes them into the basement of the church and opens a door...which has a Dharma Initiative logo on it, which I guess shouldn't really surprise us after we've already seen what was going on in the basement of the church. Ms. Hawking tells them that the station is called the Lamppost and was used years ago to find the location of the island. She told them that back then a group of people came up with a theory that the island is constantly moving...and the only way to get back to the island is by using the equations to determine where the island will be at a certain point in time. Ms. Hawking then explains that they have only 36 hours to get on Ajira Airways Flight 316 in order to get back onto the island. It crosses over the right spot at the right time and can possibly take them back to the island. After hearing this, Desmond refuses to join them and leaves. I'm not sure if Desmond is going to be on the show much longer, but Ms. Hawking does tell him that the island is not yet done with which he responds that he's done with the island.

After the meeting, Ms. Hawking takes Jack alone to her office. She tells him that in order for this to work they need to travel nearly identically to how they did on the initial Oceanic 815 flight. She tells him that Locke will be acting as a proxy, and that Jack must take something that his father owned and put it on the body of Locke so that it can be used as the body of Jack's father, Christian. Jack thinks this is crazy, but nonetheless finds a pair of his father's shoes to fix up on Locke's body.

Meanwhile, Jack has found Kate in his home. Kate tells him she wants to go back to the island with Jack. Jack asks her where Aaron is, but Kate tells him that if he wants her to go to the island with him, he will never ask about Aaron again. Jack agrees and now we have Jack, Kate, Sun and Ben all willing to go back to the island. We still have no idea what's going on with Hurley and we know that Sayid has said he doesn't want to go back to the island.

We then get to the airport. Jack is checking in and he sees Kate. When he is going through security he finds Sun. Surprisingly, when they are talking he notices that Sayid is being escorted by an Air Marshall through security. We get the sense that everything is falling into place, and the guess right off the bat is that Sayid will be on the same plane. When they all get to the gate area, we see that Hurley is there as well. We also learn that Hurley has purchased 78 tickets for the flight, in an attempt to save potential passengers from what he thinks might be another plane crash. At the moment we believe that Hurley has been informed of the flight by Ben, but when Ben gets on the plane last Hurley gets a bit upset. At this point Ben asks him "Who told you about this flight, Hugo?" implying that someone else may have tipped Hurley off about the plane. This can be looked at a few ways...did Ben really do it and is just messing with us, or did Hurley find out about the plane from one of the dead people that he has such regular contact with??

The flight is starting out and when they get to cruising altitude, the pilot comes over the PA and it's Frank Lapidus...the helicopter pilot from the freighter in season 4. Jack asks to speak with the pilot, and the flight attendant brings Frank out. Frank explains that he's been flying the route for about 8 months now...and then notices the Oceanic Six are all on the plane...he then says to Jack "We're not going to Guam, are we?" when he realizes that they will be going back to the island.

After what appears to be quite a while in the air, the flight hits some turbulence. We get a flash of light, and then we are right back where we started...with Jack, Kate, and Hurley all near that waterfall. Ben, Sun, and Sayid are nowhere to be seen. As they are getting their bearings and deciding that they need to go looking for the others, a van shows up (the same VW van we've seen so many times before) and out jumps a Dharma Initiative worker who pulls a gun on them...but as the camera pans around it turns out that it's Jin...and that's where we left off.

Now, for some thoughts. I'm ASSUMING that the island has been continuing to jump for all this time that the Oceanic Six have been off of the island. Jack, Hurley, and Kate all don't remember a crash...they only remember the flash of light then being on the island. I'm assuming that the flash of light was another time jump, but seeing as these people have been on the island before it affected them and not any of the others on the plane...thus, our survivors jumped in time with the Island and are now in the same time as the rest of our survivors on the island. Where Jin got the van and the Dharma stuff is something that we'll hopefully find out...I'm guessing he came across it at some point in time during a jump, and since we've already learned that if you have something with you when you jump it stays with you, that has allowed him to keep the van through jumps...all he had to do was be given the van (or take it) at some point and he'd have it with him through jumps through time.

Of interesting note is that there seems to be a new character that was very subtly introduced...the Middle Eastern man on the plane next to Hurley. Through a little bit of digging I've found that his character is named Caesar. I am also guessing that the Marshall that was escorting Sayid will be on the island as well...but I'm not sure.

So there we have would appear that all of our survivors are back on the island again...but we're not sure WHEN they are back on the island. Jin has found them some of them, and we have to assume that Jin knows where the rest of the survivors are because they found Jin last week. So I'm assuming that in a few weeks we will have everyone back together. After that, I'm not sure what will happen. Locke is dead, and the island is stuck in it's jumping sequence. We have been told that the survivors all had to come back to the island to get it unstuck. I would guess that eventually we'll have to end up with Desmond back on the island, and I'm guessing that Penny will be with him. They have set that up easily by having Desmond and Penny constantly at sea.

Of other interest is the fact that maybe there wasn't a plane crash this time at all...but instead our survivors just "jumped" with the island when they got close enough to it. I'm sure that we'll find out sooner or later about that, but only time will tell.

To me the show feels like it is on it's way to an ending. The producers have said that they have had a plan from the get go as to where the show was going, and it seems that it is finally starting to wrap itself up. We are starting to get some more answers every now and again, even if they are subtle and need to be picked up by the viewer instead of just being spoon fed. For example, we now know how Ben and his people were able to come and go from the just have to know the equations that allow you to find where the island is going to be and when...but there are still many questions to be answered...and I look forward to many more of them over the next 11 episodes this season (for a total of 17) and the final season next year...

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